Global Mobility During Ukrainian Conflict – Temporary  Protection

Picture of Coline Michaux

The conflict in Ukraine is affecting global mobility from various aspects. Firstly, most countries are limiting their flights to Russia and Ukraine. Secondly, sanctions against Russia make it increasingly difficult for goods and funds to reach the region. As a result, foreign employees are suffering difficulties regarding rent and expenses.

Therefore, most companies’ best course of action is to stop sending employees to these regions. Plus, they also need to relocate the current employees from those countries. And that poses a lot of challenges, such as obtaining Temporary Protection status for the employees in an interim country and ensuring safe passage.

In the following article, we shall see some of the leading global mobility challenges arising from the Ukrainian crisis. Plus, you will know about relocation options in Spain.

Global Mobility Challenges In Ukrainian Crisis

One of the main threats arising from this situation is imminent cyberattacks. For instance, Russia has quite a reputation for cyber attacking critical shipping and supply infrastructures at times of crisis. And as the global supply chain is already fragile enough from the pandemic, attacks like that can mean severe devastation.

Another thing that can impact global mobility is fuel costs. Russia is one of the major exporters of crude oil and natural gas. And they are already manipulating fuel costs as counterattacks against the countries putting sanctions on them. And needless to say, this will have severe consequences on land, water, and air travel.

So, if you have employees abroad in Russia or Ukraine, you need to relocate them as soon as possible.

Temporary Protection Of Ukrainian People In Spain

Spain is another welcoming country for Ukrainian refugees. And thus, they also have an excellent Temporary Protection program in place for Ukrainians. This program also gives the applicants residential and job benefits.

To apply, the Temporary Protection seeker must contact National Police Stations which the government has specified for this purpose. Plus, there are also Authorized Reception Centers taking care of this matter.

First, the applicant shall go to this point and contact the responsible staff. Then, police officers shall collect their identification data and other relevant documents.

In order to make this process seamless, translators will be present to help both parties.

ukranian refugees

After that, the police station will issue a receipt that will officially recognize the protection request. At the same time, they will assign the asylum seeker a foreign National ID number.

Hopefully, within 24 hours, the Asylum and Refugee Office of the Ministry of Home.

Affairs shall decide on the matter. And those who are accepted shall receive a residence permit and a permit for professional pursuit.

Relocate Your Employees Safely with ERES Relocation

Relocating foreign employees, especially during a crisis of this magnitude, is indeed challenging. And if you plan to tackle it entirely by yourself, there is a fair chance of failure and frustration. So, it is best to take the help of relocation experts, such as our company ERES Relocation.

Present in nine cities across six European countries, our teams at ERES are composed of experts in immigration and relocation services. We have the emotional capabilities to understand what our clients are going through, and this is what enables us to ensure the quality of our services.

Many countries offer similar Ukrainian Temporary Protection programs, which provide the Ukrainian refugees with temporary protection visas. To ensure that your foreign employees can get the full benefits of initiatives such as the Temporary Protection status, as well as a safe relocation, you can trust our teams of professionals at ERES Relocation.

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